EPS@ISEP | The European Project Semester (EPS) at ISEP


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start [2015/10/07 19:21] epsatisepstart [2015/10/07 20:13] (current) – [Project Summary] epsatisep
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 ====== Sponsor ====== ====== Sponsor ======
 [[http://www.lsa.isep.ipp.pt/|{{http://www.lsa.isep.ipp.pt/logos/banner_all.png}}]] [[http://www.lsa.isep.ipp.pt/|{{http://www.lsa.isep.ipp.pt/logos/banner_all.png}}]]
-====== Project Summary ======+====== Proposal ======
 The goal is the design, the development and the implementation of a bio-inspired flying robot The goal is the design, the development and the implementation of a bio-inspired flying robot
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