====== Bio-inspired Flying Robot ====== ====== Sponsor ====== [[http://www.lsa.isep.ipp.pt/|{{http://www.lsa.isep.ipp.pt/logos/banner_all.png}}]] ====== Proposal ====== The goal is the design, the development and the implementation of a bio-inspired flying robot The project requirements are: - Reuse provided components or low cost hardware solutions; - Use open source and freeware software; - Adopt the International System of Units (NIST International Guide for the use of the International System of Units); - Comply with the following EU Directives: - Machine Directive ([[http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/mechanical/documents/legislation/machinery/|2006/42/CE 2006-05-17]]); - Electrical Safety: Low Level Voltage Directive ([[http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/electrical/lvd/index_en.htm|2006/95/CE 2006-12-12]]); - Restriction of Hazardous Substances (ROHS) in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive ([[http://www.rohs.eu/english/index.html|2002/95/EC 2003-01-27]]); - Mandatory adoption and use of the International System of Units ([[http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/pdf/sp811.pdf|The NIST International Guide for the use of the International System of Units]]) - Use open source technologies. ====== Participants ====== **Institution:** Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto **Team N.:** 3 **Students:** * Bénédicte Anki Caramin * Yvonne Klawikowski * Iain Dunn * Rauno Ney **Panel of Supervisors:** * Abel Duarte (ajd 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) * Fernando Ferreira (fjf 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) * Manuel Santos Silva (mss 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) * Maria Benedita Malheiro (mbm 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) * Maria Cristina Ribeiro (mcr 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) * Paulo Ferreira (pdf 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) * Pedro Barbosa Guedes (pbg 'at' isep 'dot' ipp 'dot' pt) **Client:** * ISEP, LSA, Manuel Silva (MSS) ====== Contents ====== Project Planning: [[plan|Deadlines, Tasks, Gantt chart, Task allocation]] Logbook: [[log|Weekly Report, Meetings, Activities]] Report: [[report|Report]] Deliverables: [[docs|Links to all deliverables]] ====== Contacts ====== * Bénédicte Anki Caramin, benecaramin@hotmail.com, Benedicte Caramin, tel: 934 638 838 * Yvonne Klawikowski, yvonne.klawikowski@gmail.com, tel: 933970365 * Iain Dunn, Idunn200@caledonian.ac.uk, Iain Dunn, tel: 933970375 * Rauno Ney, rauno.ney@gmail.com, Rauno Ney, tel: 914106175 ====== Utilities ====== * [[http://www.epswiki.dee.isep.ipp.pt/doku.php?id=wiki:syntax| DokuWiki Syntax]] * [[http://courses.web2teach.com/tutorial/what_is_a_wiki|Videos on how to use Wikidoku]] ====== Acknowledgements ====== * [[http://www.lsa.isep.ipp.pt/|LSA]] (sponsor) * Eng.º Vítor Costa Cerqueira, DEE, ISEP (wiki installation and management) * Prof. João Correia Lopes, DEI, FEUP (wiki template) --- //[[epsatisep@gmail.com|EPS@ISEP Wiki Template]] 2012-01-15 15:35//